African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) Early-Career Research Fellowship 2022

Early-Career Research Fellowship 2022 applications are now being accepted by the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) – The African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) is soliciting applications for six (6) Carnegie Corporation of New York Early Career Research Fellowship positions. On July 1, 2022, the six-month fellowship will begin. The goal is to help early-career academics at African universities develop their ability by allowing them to work with extremely senior and experienced researchers while still teaching at their own institutions. Each CoE is expected to host one research fellow from a country other than the CoE's host country. READ ALSO: Scholarship For Black Student or Student of Colour From Write Her Future ARUA has created thirteen (13) Centres of Excellence (CoEs) in several sectors to support its goals. These CoEs reflect ARUA's current priorities and are expected to greatly boost research and graduate education. Currently, the CoEs are or...