Skin Cancer (Melanoma): Types, Stages, Symptoms And Treatment

Because many skin malignancies develop in visible locations, there is a good chance of early detection. It's critical to check your skin on a frequent basis for any new or abnormal growths, as well as changes in existing moles. If you detect anything suspicious, consult your primary care physician, a dermatologist (skin doctor), or another health care provider trained to recognize skin cancer symptoms and diagnose the condition. Non-melanoma skin cancer might be detected by a persistent, unusual skin growth or sore. The first sign of skin cancer could be a nodule, rash, or uneven area on the skin's surface. These spots may be raised, oozing, or bleeding. As the disease advances, the size and shape of the visible skin mass may change, and the cancer may spread to deeper layers of the skin. It can be difficult to distinguish one type of skin cancer from another, so consult a dermatologist if you notice any worrisome or changing marks on your skin. READ ALSO: Low Sperm Count: C...